I provide a service to calculate the CGT liability, then complete and submit UKPRs for clients who have disposed of a UK residential property and made a taxable capital gain.
This Return has to be submitted to HMRC and any tax paid within 60 days of the completion of the property disposal. (Prior to 6 April 2020 it was only necessary to include these disposals on the annual Self Assessment Tax Return, but now it needs to be included on both.)
Note that all individuals with a share in a UK residential property are required to submit a UKPR to HMRC based on their share of the capital gain.
Due to the short deadline, if you are considering this service I would suggest contacting me prior to, or immediately after the property transaction takes place.
The fee for this service starts from £250 for the UKPR alone, with additional fees up to a maximum of £100 if there are more complex issues such as needing to use March 1982 value, using estimated acquisition or disposal values, claiming for improvement expenditure or claiming Private Residence Relief.
There would be a further fee of £150 for clients using the UK Self-Assessment Tax Return Completion service for the tax year in which the property was disposed. This is lower than the standard fee for using that service.
I offer a discount for payment in advance and if couples use this service.
Note that my practice is small so I do not need to charge VAT on top of this fee.